Best Foods To Eat To Help Prevent Breast Cancer…and What To Avoid

Healthy 4 Life eNewsletter | October 2017 | 2nd Edition

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Stacy D. Fehlinger
Certified Health Coach
Owner ofHealthy 4 Life, LLC

(678) 719-2283

Schedule a COMPLIMENTARY 30 minute consultation with Stacy at Healthy Habits Strategy Session.

“Having the BRCA mutation significantly increases the risk of breast cancer, but it is not always the only factor. Lifestyle choices may increase or decrease the risk of breast cancer, but that knowledge is an opportunity to empower ourselves, not to blame.” ~Dean Ornish

Best Foods To Eat To Help

Prevent Breast Cancer… 

and What To Avoid

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I want to share the best foods to help prevent breast cancer and inform you about the worst foods that can increase your chances of developing breast cancer.

As I am sure is no surprise to you, there are several risk factors where our lifestyle choices have a direct impact on whether we get breast cancer or some other form of cancer. These risk factors include smoking, lack of exercise, being overweight and our diets.

Some researchers at believe that diet could be responsible for 30 to 40 percent of all cancers. So what should your daily diet consist of to have the best chances of avoiding breast cancer?

The foods listed below may help to prevent the development or progression of breast cancer:

    • A wide variety of colorful fruits and vegetables: (more than 5 cups per day)
    • Foods rich in fiber, such as whole grains, beans and legumes
    • Low-fat milk and dairy products
    • Soybean-based products
    • Foods rich in vitamin D
  • Spices with anti-inflammatory properties

These fruits and veggies are rich in flavonoids and carotenoids that are linked to several medical benefits:

    • Dark, green, leafy vegetables
    • Peppers
    • Tomatoes
    • Eggplant
    • Citrus fruit
    • Carrots
    • Broccoli – (actually any cruciferous vegetable such as cabbage, cauliflower and Brussel sprouts)
    • Kale
    • Onions
    • Apples
    • Pears
    • Peaches
  • Strawberries

Here is some additional helpful info:

Importance of Dietary Fiber
The Ida & Joseph Friend Cancer Center recommends 30 to 45 grams of fiber per day. Eating more fiber-rich legumes, such as lentils, has also been associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer.

Importance of Good Fats
Our bodies need fat just like our bodies need protein and carbs. We need to focus on eating the right type of fats. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are considered “good fats.” They are found in olive oil, avocados, seeds and nuts.

Another extremely healthy type of fat is omega-3 fatty acids found in cold water fish such as salmon. Many experts recommend diets with 20 to 30 percent of daily calories coming from fat, with no more than 8 percent of the total calories from saturated fat.

There has been considerable controversy over soy the last few years.  My research has found that soy is a healthful food that is rich in protein, healthy fat, vitamins and minerals.  Studies are finding that it can reduce the risk of breast cancer.  Soy has also been reported to reduce low-density lipoprotein or “bad cholesterol.”

Soy can be found in tofu, tempeh, edamame, soy milk and soy nuts. When purchasing a soy product I would look for a non-GMO label.  I think part of the bad rap soy has received in the past few years is because most of the soy produced in this country is genetically modified.

Foods to Avoid and Why to Avoid Them to Prevent Breast Cancer:

* Alcohol: Studies have identified a link between regular alcohol consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer. report that alcohol may increase estrogen levels and cause damage to DNA cells. Woman who drink three alcoholic beverages per week increase their risk of developing breast cancer by 15 percent.

* Sugar: Researchers at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have found that when mice eat a typical American diet that is heavy in added sugars, they are more likely to develop mammary gland tumors, similar to breast cancer in humans. The added sugars in processed foods to make it taste better can increase your risk of breast cancer if you consume a lot of these added sugars. Plus, these tumors are more likely to spread, or metastasize.

* Fat: I’ve already mentioned that we do need some of the “good fats” in our diet, but the fat I’m referring to here is the fat commonly found in processed foods.   Trans fats have also been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and should be avoided.  Trans fats are most commonly found in fast food and processed food such as fried foods, some crackers, donuts and packaged cookies or pastries.

* Red Meat: Research is ongoing, but some studies have found a link between red meat and a greater likelihood of breast cancer, especially if the meat is “well done.” You also need to avoid processed meats and cold cuts as they tend to contain nitrates and are high in fat, salt and preservatives.

Three Other Healthy Tips to Help Avoid Breast Cancer:
Research from Ida & Joseph Friend Cancer Resource Center has found the following may also help the body protect itself against breast cancer

    • Vitamin D:We obtain this important vitamin from regular exposure to sunlight and it is also found in foods such as eggs, cold-water fish, and fortified products.  Many of us are deficient in this important vitamin so be sure your doctor checks your levels and if it’s low consider using a supplement.
    • Green Tea: This superdrink strengthens the immune system and has been linked to a reduced risk of breast cancer.
    • Turmeric: This spice is also a great for our brain health, but its anti-inflammatory properties may also limit the growth of breast cancer cells.
    • Maintaining a Healthy Body Weight: You already know that a healthy body weight is important for well-being in general, and it is particularly important for those engaged in the fight against breast cancer.  Obesity is a known risk factor for the disease.
  • Being Active: The National Cancer Institute report that women who exercise 4 hours per week or longer have a lower risk of breast cancer.  Find an activity you enjoy and make exercising or “playing” part of your daily routine.

I hope you found this article helpful and don’t forget to get screened for breast cancer if you are 40 or older.

Healthy Regards, Stacy
Source: Medical News Today: April 3, 2017, By: Danielle Dresden

*L.E.A.N. Start Online Flash Sale!*

Stacy is offering this incredible workshop for only $39! Regular price is $99.

{See box below for the workshop details}

This workshop will never be offered it at this low cost again and the is limited to only 30 participants

The workshop will begin on November 27th and will include 2 classes per week with one phone conference call per week. The workshop ends on Friday, December 15th. Don’t miss your opportunity to sign up for this informative parent workshop!

ContactHealthy 4 Life at
to register. 

Developed by America’s Pediatrician, Dr. William Sears

L.E.A.N. Start Parent Workshop: Cost: $99.00
    • 6 hours of instruction in a self paced environment over 3-week period
    • Learn the L.E.A.N. program basics with topics including traffic light eating, the skinny on fat, powering up with protein and play, and more!
    • All materials and homework (don’t worry it’s not graded) provided online
    • Includes activities & healthy recipes
    • One scheduled conference call per week
    • Goal setting & accountability throughout workshop
  • Continued accountability in online Facebook support group for all participants
Sign up for this amazing parent workshop and learn proven ways to boost your child’s mood, attitude, behavior, study habits, energy and health!

Online Workshops begin every 3 weeks.  Contact Stacy at for the next start date.

Join Us for Healthy 4 Life’s next
“Help, Mom Needs A Break!” MeetUp Group

Mani/Pedi and a Movie
at Kreative Nails
2538 Cedarcrest Road
Acworth, GA 

October 25

Ladies, let’s treat ourselves to mani and/or pedi and
then go to NCG Cinema for a good chick flick!

Has your child or grandchild been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD or ODD?

Or do you think your child or grandchild suffers from one of these conditions that cause behavioral problems?

Did you know that certain ingredients in common foods kids eat can affect their behavior and worsen these conditions?

For more information,
please access my FREE guide by clicking here:

3 Simple Daily Changes to See
An Improvement in Your Child’s Behavior

Team Beachbody

S hakeology 
The healthiest meal of the day

The superfoods contained in this shake will help you reach the recommended 5 or more cups of daily fruit and veggies.
Place your order at

Juice Plus

Adding Juice Plus daily will also help fill the gap to obtain the daily recommend amount of fruits and veggies. Contact Stacy at to place your order!


Nspire pads are dioxin free and incredibly absorbent. Contact Stacy at to place your order!

Healthy 4 Life’s
Healthy Breast Cancer Prevention Recipe

Shrimp Fried Cauliflower Rice
Note from Stacy: I made this a couple weeks ago and it is delicious, but I would marinate the shrimp in either tamari sauce or low-sodium soy sauce before sauteing. I just thought the shrimp needed a bit more flavor. 

3 tablespoons toasted sesame oil, divided
10 ounce medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
5 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 cup sliced green onions, divided
16 ounces fresh or frozen riced cauliflower (such as Green Giant)
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt


Step 1–Heat 1 1/2 teaspoons sesame oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high. Add shrimp; cook 3 minutes. Remove shrimp from pan.

Step 2–Return pan to medium-high. Add 1 1/2 teaspoons oil. Add eggs; cook 2 minutes or until almost set, stirring once. Fold cooked eggs in half; remove from pan. Cool, and cut into 1/2-inch pieces.

Step 3–Heat remaining 2 tablespoons oil in pan over medium-high. Add 3/4 cup green onions and cauliflower; cook 5 minutes, without stirring, or until browned. Stir in shrimp, eggs, pepper, and salt. Top with remaining 1/4 cup green onions.

Time20 minutes  |   Yield: Serves 4
Nutritional Info:  Calories 269 | Fat 17g | Satfat 4g | Unsatfat 12g | Protein 20g | Carbohydrate 9g | Fiber 3g | Cholesterol 0.0mg | Iron 0.0mg | Sugars 3g | Added sugars 0g | Sodium 358mg | Calcium 12%DV | Potassium 16%DV


    • Customized 3-month packages created after FREE 30 minute discovery consultation session to address your specific health concern for you and/or your child
    • Discovery session conducted in person or via phone/video conference
    • Session resources and homework (don’t worry it’s not graded) included
    • One scheduled one-hour meeting or conference/video call per week
    • Goal setting & accountability throughout program
  • Continued accountability in online Facebook support group for all clients

Sign up today for your FREE 30-minute consultation to take control of your health and wellness!

Contact: Stacy D. Fehlinger | Certified Health Coach
Healthy 4 Life, LLC
(678) 719-2283 | Email:

Events & Workshops Around Town
that may be of interest to you…
Local Farmer’s Markets
>Lost Mountain Park Farmers Market: Every Tuesday: 3pm-7pm: 4723 Dallas Hwy, Powder Springs, Georgia 30127
Marietta Square Farmers Market: Every Saturday morning January through December, and on Sundays from 12-3 pm from May through October. Located in North Park Square in Historic Marietta Square
>Kennesaw Farmers MarketEvery Monday afternoon from May through September: Depot Park, 2829 Cherokee Street, Kennesaw, GA 30144
Acworth Farmers Market: Every Friday morning, April 7th to end of October, 8am to noon.

Intro to DoTERRA Essential Oils—Every Wednesday

Free Online Class Led by Terrie McDonald, Contact Terrie at | http://MYDOTERRA.COM/LTO | 678-296-3331 Register at

Hiram Xperience Connections Meeting—Fri, October 20

Join us on October 20, 11:30am to 1:30pm, at The Olive Tree Restaurant in downtown Hiram, GA for a unique women-only networking event in a safe, supportive environment with great food and great conversation!  Register at

Stephanie Hines Marketing MastermindStarts Soon
Join Stephanie Hines Marketing Mastermind for small business owners to experience more results in your online marketing than ever before over then next 6 months.  Apply for one of 8 available spots, here: Marketing Mastermind Info Page.

Does your pantry contain food that could be hurting you or your family’s health?

Schedule your HEALTHY PANTRY MAKEOVER today to find out!

Here are the details of a pantry makeover:
    • Nothing you currently have in your pantry is thrown out!
    • Receive handouts on topics such as healthy substitutions
    • Introduction to traffic light eating
  • Learn how to read a food nutrition label
A pantry makeover takes approximately an hour to complete
and costs $45.
Contact Stacy D. Fehlinger at (678) 719-2283 or

Workshops Led by Stacy Fehlinger
Now offering:
>>>Workshops as PARTIES and attendance is FREE for the host who brings 2 guests to their workshop!
>>>Online workshops of L.E.A.N. Start and Prime-Time Health.  These workshops are self-paced learning and consist of 6 hours of instruction with a weekly telephone conference call.
~Contact Stacy at for further information~

Are you looking for ways to improve your child’s attitude, boost their energy and improve their health? Sign up for this amazing parent workshop and learn proven ways to boost your child’s mood, attitude, behavior, study habits, energy and health!

Could your child’s behavior be related to what they are eating? Come to my L.E.A.N. Start Workshop to learn how certain foods can affect behavior and more.

Are you pregnant or considering becoming pregnant? If so, join my L.E.A.N. Expectations Workshop to learn the links between  nutrition and a healthy pregnancy.

Prime-Time Health is for you if you want to take charge of your health, prevent disease, avoid disability and spend money on something other than doctors!



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“Asian Young Girl Drinks Orange Juice” by Stoonn
Man’s Hand Holding Glass Of Natural Water, Isolated On White Stock Photo
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